Back to School: I’m So Proud of You August 3, 2020

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4, Four

Sometimes I text Ashley a number. Last time I did (yesterday) her reply was “Lawd.” Your reply to “4” should be something like “oh, only 4 days until Virtual Book Club! I should make sure I’ve finished (or started, whichever) The Care and Feeding of Ravenously Hungry Girls by Anissa Gray!” Registration is open here, and remember, you’ll need the link we’ll email you to join in the discussion!
Perhaps not where you are, but where we are, it’s back to school month. We start in August (earlier and earlier it feels) and end (unless we have a rough winter with lots of ice and snow days) before Memorial Day. We realize some of you/your people won’t go back until next month, so if that’s the case for you, consider this preparatory reading. We’re still enjoying our #lemonadesummer a bit on the weekends, but very soon (this week in fact) most of our area schools will be back in session, either online or in person. (Remember last week, “I’m so proud of you! I know it wasn’t easy making that decision.”)
I know we’re all settling into the hard/new/experimental times of back to school during a pandemic. There are no littles who live in my house, but I am feeling the back to school excitement for those who are going to be learning from home or from the school building. And this girl loves some school/office supplies. I have several tubs full that I am getting to unpack and go through now that we’re settling into our new house.

Part of settling into our new house is I have a brand new home office! I painted it the weekend after we closed this lovely blue color. I bought a dry erase board which we hung over the weekend which is set up on the same wall with my calendar, corkboard, and desk. Behind me is the exciting part, though, dear readers…I have a whole wall of white IKEA bookshelves that I get to fill up with all of my books! Oh the wonder and joy of being able to look at my books again.

There has been one pretty large hiccup in our settling in… we haven’t been able to get internet yet. The wire needs to get buried under our yard from the pole down the street and when the technician came to upgrade our line to a fiber cable… well, he wasn’t able to pull it through to the house like he’d planned. We’re still waiting on that to get repaired before the technician can come back and install the wire here at the house. Yup. Don’t know where I’ll be for Virtual Book Club on Friday, I might be at the RE/MAX office rather than in my brand new home office. Total bummer, guys. Send all the good interwebz vibes.
Otherwise, I’m very excited that we’re into the month of August. Summer is hot and here, but autumn will be here before we know it. Don’t forget to take time out during these back to school time for yourself, read good books, drink refreshing beverages, and replenish your patience with the world. We’ll be here sharing our wins, woes, and the reading life.

As there are new school supplies in my house all ready for both my little people to be in elementary school, I’m feeling my general August feeling even more. A combination of my love for school/office supplies and a Billy Madison ear worm. I’m refusing to open the boxes of the kits I ordered from school (I usually go to the store, but when I can’t sip a soothing beverage while I’m shopping, I’d rather not) because I don’t want the six dozen pencils and 18 glue sticks (I confirmed these numbers with the supply lists) to disappear during the first week of classes when we still have ample glue from last year, and their pencils from March are still kicking, at least the ones the dog hasn’t eaten. As has turned into the usual for this year, I’m mourning not being able to walk my kindergartner to his first day of class and join in his wonder at belonging to such a big school. But you know what dear readers, his class is going to have one of the more unique kindergarten experiences by starting school during a pandemic. I’m holding tight to the joys of no commute (and trying not to mourn the loss of my alone time, still), the time my children have to play together, and all the creative play that goes on because I’m mean and won’t let them play video games all day (I don’t judge you if that’s what happens at your house, but my little people 100% judge me).

I’m so excited about the books we’re bringing you this month. Among this month’s titles are a classic some may have read in school, a 2019 favorite I’ve been wanting to reread since about the time I finished it (I wish I could remember how I talked Ashley into revisiting several of my favorites so I can do it again next year), a fun book turned series, and an Advanced Review Copy that’s been burning a hole in my TBR pile since it arrived in November (I am NOT kidding when I say I NEED deadlines). We’ve got some surprises planned too, and not just for you, for us too. Because what fun would it be not to have an opportunity for a surprise along the way? (Read: we don’t have the whole month planned out yet, just most of it.) Wherever you are, whenever you/your people start school, if this is the end of summer or just the final hoorah, we’ve got some fun titles coming for you, and I’m excited to find a new routine (anyone else craving it?) and see how books will fit into it for me, because 100% they will! What are you buddy reading with us this month? Let us know in the comments!
Books, oh yes, we’re reading books this month and even posting about them, and telling you in advance.
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
August 6
The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi
August 13
Inspection by Josh Malerman
August 20

The Bromance Book Club + Undercover Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams August 23
And your bonus pick, which releases on September 22:
The Silvered Serpents by Roshani Chokshi
September 3
What does August say to you dear readers? What title(s) are you anxiously awaiting?