Green Lights August 2, 2021

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There’s nothing more exciting on your way to a destination than a string of green lights. Unless that destination is Gilead. I highly recommend you pay attention to the yellow lights and proceed with caution as you read Margaret Atwood’s 35 year old novel The Handmaid’s Tale and its 2 year old sequel The Testaments for Virtual Book Club on Friday, September 17, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. CST. Join us by registering here!

Oh readers, do we have a tale for you today! Long ago, way back in 2017, I was introduced to Knox McCoy by Anne Bogel on the What Should I Read Next Podcast. Then several months later, Anne had Jamie B. Golden back on the show. (Jamie was also the FIRST WSIRN guest.) In listening to these two episodes, my appreciation for Knox and Jamie’s senses of humor grew to the point that I knew I had to give their show, The Popcast with Knox and Jamie, a try. That was January 2018, and I haven’t missed an episode since (except the Hamilton episode, don’t worry, Ashley has and will continue to @ me, and I’m still not listening until I’ve watched, which is a whole other issue, but school starts Friday so there is hope), and I’ve been spreading the Popcast joy often as well! If you are also in need of an education on things that entertain but do not matter, I’d suggest following Knox and Jamie’s suggestion, and starting here. The Enneagram episode is a particular favorite of mine, and the NOs are always a good hang. (Do note, I do not suggest listening to these with children in hearing range, or without headphones at work. Also, beware of drinking while listening.)
But what does that have to do with books? Well, as I said, it started on a bookish podcast, so we do indeed have a pop culture podcast by two individuals who do actually love books. Books are part of pop culture, so while they aren’t a typical episode topic or a usual feature, they do show up not infrequently in what the Popcast calls the “Lights” section near the end of each episode. During this section, Knox and Jamie each give a green light and a red light. These lights could be shows, movies, podcasts, food, people, things, situations, or anything else, including books. They have included so many books as green lights, they have a whole webpage dedicated to their Green Light Books. As you may see, we’ve read and loved several of their green lights and decided to try a few more, and invite you along for the ride. (If you want the Popcast’s abridged version, check out their audiobook recommendations here.)
Ashley here: my favorite part of every Popcast episode is when Jamie B. Golden, skincare maven and my personal spirit animal, says with her enneagram 7 energy: Let’s Do Some Lights! And, so, here are The Popcast Green Light titles we’d like to share with you this month!
Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey (audiobook)
The Fortunate Ones by Ed Tarkington
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab
The Next Right Thing: A Simple, Soulful Practice for Making Life Decisions by Emily P. Freeman
What are you reading this month, and giving a Green Light to as a recommendation to others? Or what do you think of the books we’ll be reviewing this month? Let us know in the comments!