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We’ve teased that December is for comfort reads, as we’ve invited you to join us in reading book two of the Veronica Speedwell mysteries series, A Perilous Undertaking by Deanna Raybourn. Veronica is a fun, bookish character who would be a joy to have tea with on a lazy winter afternoon. If you’d like to discuss her and her adventures over your comfort beverage of choice on Friday, December 10th, 2021 at 7:30pm CST, sign up here. Even if you can’t make it, leave us a comment or DM about what you’d like to see for Virtual Book Club in 2022, whether that is a different day / time, more / less frequent chats, or genre / title desires, we want to know!
So, if December is for comfort reads, what about November? Dear readers, welcome to No Rules November! Does that mean there really were no rules? Nope, we still worked towards our usual goals of reading (whether or not it’s one of our selected titles to review)some non-fiction and at least one male author and BIPOC author. Really the no rules part is that we wanted to read books that felt right for us (and came off Nikki’s holds list), in this season (both with respect to weather and life). Some may make sense to you, others may not, but regardless we’re excited to bring you four very different titles this November. May they help you prepare for winter, escape into another world, feel like your family is normal, and laugh.
Wintering by Katherine May
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson
Mom Jeans and Other Mistakes by Alexa Martin
What are you looking forward to reading in November?
~Ashley and Nikki