Witchy Reads 2023 October 2, 2023

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Welcome darling readers, to another glorious month of October! We are so glad we live in a world where there are Octobers because … you can say it with me – OCTOBER IS FOR WITCHES! That’s right, every October, we only review titles that feature witches! As you saw last month, witches can appear during any month, and we might (or might not) read other books during October, but witches will be prominent.
We explained our love of witches, and listed a plethora of witchy works back in 2020, so I’ll just leave that here and remind you that witches were historically women who were othered in some way, and they were also the women folks in the community turned to in time of need, because they delivered. We encourage you to lean into the festivities of the season, as we most assuredly will, from now until the Darkness claims us.
For 2023, we’ll be reading and reviewing three novels, and if you need more witchy reviews, you can always click here.
Her Majesty’s Royal Coven: A Novel (The HMRC Trilogy Book 1) by Juno Dawson
The House Witch: A Humorous Romantic Fantasy (Book 1) by Delemhach

The Daughters of Temperance Hobbs by Katherine Howe
What is your preferred theme or genre for October reads?
~ Ashley and Nikki