Heart.Wants.Books began out of a love of reading and talking about books. We have been sharing titles and swapping books since the early 2000s and are now excited to share our journey with you. We met in high school, *cough* years ago in French Class (or maybe it was French Club – yes, we are geeks, welcome!) when we were trading TRNs (Trashy Romance Novels) instead of reading our assigned French texts (although we did that too). Our reading for pleasure slowed dramatically during our college years and picked back up as we settled into adulthood. For about a year before the blog started, we lived on opposite sides of the country but talked books quite regularly and read together (buddy read) many a title. We enjoyed talking books so much, we decided others might want to join in the fun, so here we are.

Many of our bookish conversations occurred via text message, and there was a bit of speech-to-text involved, so much so that “Betty Reid” was almost the title of the blog. In the end, while we adore Betty, the heart wants what the heart wants, and for us, and perhaps for you too, the heart wants books. Welcome to our bookish conversation!
We still have bookish conversations via text message (and some telephone calls of epic length), but we also have them here for you to see and join in the fun too. Some posts are written by one of us, and others we share, but either way, you’ll always get our honest thoughts on the books we read, whether we received a promotional copy, checked out the book from the library, or spent actual dollars to add to our ever-growing collections.